The Church of England in Leomansley, Lichfield

Picture of Christ Church Lichfield from the south-east

Christ Church


Home Services Events Martin Heath Hall  Contacts  Music Weddings Our Church Baptism

Welcome to the Home page of Christ Church, Lichfield.
We are fortunate to worship in a beautiful church building.

Find out more about its history, and our plans for Our Church

Christ Church Lichfield - Eco Church Award Certificate Silver.png

For Service Times

Please See Services Tab.




Christ Church, Lichfield is committed to Safeguarding and has adopted the National and Diocesan Safeguarding Policies.

Please Click Here for contact telephone numbers

Places of Welcome

At the Martin Heath Hall

Every Monday 10.30am-12.30pm

Come along, bring  a friend, and enjoy company, a cuppa and a chat.

Please note we do not meet on Bank Holiday Mondays.

Plant and Produce Sale

Saturday 13th July


See Events tab for details.